"There are many places a young man can go for romantic advice - friends, family, and if the worst comes to the worst, the internet.
Now, desperate bachelors, looking for a fresh perspective, are taking dating tips from a nine-year-old boy.
Alec Greven, from Colorado, is the author of How To Talk To Girls.
The book, which started as an elementary school project, has become a New York Times best-seller. "
Now, desperate bachelors, looking for a fresh perspective, are taking dating tips from a nine-year-old boy.
Alec Greven, from Colorado, is the author of How To Talk To Girls.
The book, which started as an elementary school project, has become a New York Times best-seller. "
That`s it fellas! Um pirralho de 9 anos, eu disse NOVE anos, escreveu um livro de conselhos amorosos e o seu livro está virando um best-seller, arram, UM BEST-SELLER! Essas crianças hein... o que de fato vem acontecendo nestes maternais?

- How you doing?
"The best choice for most boys is a regular girl. Remember some pretty girls are cold-hearted when it comes to boys," he said.
Some pretty girls are cold-hearted when it comes to boys?! HAHAHAHAAHAHAaiaiaiai... Some pretty boys are felasdapotas with some pretty girls! Isso ele não aprendeu na joça do maternal! Pirra.
Alec also offers advice for when relationships don't work out so well.
On breaking-up, he said: "You say something like, 'I don't think this is really going to work but would you like to be friends'."
On being dumped, he replied: "I say, life is hard, move on. If you can't get over it, it's ruined."
Holly shit, this boy is a genius! Realmente, sem esses conselhos o que seria de mim meu Deus! Mas quero ver quando ele pegar o primeiro pé-na-bunda considerado se ele vai falar "ah, a vida é dificil, vamos seguir em frente", arram, TÁ, vai xingar todos e ficar jogadão na sarjeta, já vi tudo! And you know what? O menino não vai parar por ai:
Alec is working on several follow-ups to How To Talk To Girls.
How To Talk To Moms, How To Talk To Dads and How To Talk To Grandparents are already in the pipeline.
Mané "how to talk"! Esses americanos não sabem de nada, MOSTRA A MAÍSA PRA ELES SÍLVIO!
- MAOÊÊÊ! Vem pra cá, vem pra cá...
Um comentário:
bom fato é que até o menino de 13 anos ja ta comendo as de 15 por ae.
vide globo.com®
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